5 Letter words with ‘O’ as second and ‘S’ as fourth letter ( _O_S_ ) Word list


Here is the list of 5 letter words with ‘O’ as 2nd letter with S as 4th Letter that will help you to solve today’s wordle puzzle and keep your strike up.

Instead of looking at the 5 letter words in the English dictionary that Have specific letters in the Second & Fourth Place (_?_?_). This article will help you to locate the word of 5 letters with Second letter O and Fourth letter S. If today Wordle or any word-related puzzle game contains these letters (_o_s_) in a Given position and you are at the loss of words to guess don’t worry. You can try out the list of words mentioned below to solve the wordle game and find out the correct answer.


All 5 Letter words with ‘O’ as Second, ‘S’ as Fourth Letter- Wordle Hints

Here is the list of all English five-letter words that contain these (OS) letters in Exact position i.e O as the Second and S as the Fourth letter. There are many five-letter words in the list so you have to figure out the words that do not contain today’s word or are in misplaced positions. Eliminate the words that do not fit for your possible solution and in that way you can easily narrow down the full list.

5 letter words - Wordle Game

Tips: Try to use the words that contain most vowels or commonly used English words.


5-Letter Words with O as 2nd and S as 4th Letter  List

  1. boast
  2. boose
  3. boost
  4. bossy
  5. bouse
  6. bousy
  7. bowse
  8. boysy
  9. coast
  10. coost
  11. copse
  12. copsy
  13. corse
  14. corso
  15. doest
  16. donsy
  17. dorsa
  18. dorse
  19. douse
  20. dowse
  21. foist
  22. fossa
  23. fosse
  24. godso
  25. goest
  26. goose
  27. goosy
  28. gorse
  29. gorsy
  30. gosse
  31. hoast
  32. hoise
  33. hoist
  34. hoosh
  35. horse
  36. horst
  37. horsy
  38. house
  39. howso
  40. joist
  41. joust
  42. loast
  43. loess
  44. loose
  45. lossy
  46. lotsa
  47. louse
  48. lousy
  49. lowse
  50. moist
  51. moose
  52. mopsy
  53. morse
  54. mosso
  55. mossy
  56. mouse
  57. moust
  58. mousy
  59. noise
  60. noisy
  61. noose
  62. poesy
  63. poise
  64. popsy
  65. posse
  66. potsy
  67. poyse
  68. roast
  69. roist
  70. roosa
  71. roose
  72. roost
  73. rouse
  74. roust
  75. royst
  76. sonse
  77. sonsy
  78. souse
  79. sowse
  80. toast
  81. toise
  82. torse
  83. torsi
  84. torsk
  85. torso
  86. tossy
  87. touse
  88. tousy
  89. towse
  90. towsy
  91. woose
  92. woosh
  93. worse
  94. worst
  95. youse
  96. zoism
  97. zoist

That is all possible 5-letter words that Contain O as 2nd and S as 4th letter. Hope our list helps you to find the wordle or 5 letter puzzle answers that you are working on. Explore our Wordle Section to find more hints!


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